Neptune Explorer : beta

Block height: 3635

Digest 7aafb5a876087081c332617ba0df92a28fe96763ef6de0ab44e6e34071da84d86e8d866a5fe20100
Created 2024-12-20T10:02:19.435+00:00
Inputs 0
Outputs 1
Difficulty 7104
Cumulative Proof-Of-Work estimated total # of hashes performed by miners from genesis block to this block. 997284930961
Coinbase Total block reward amount paid to the miner(s) that found this block. 128
Fee 64
Canonical The canonical blockchain is the chain with the most accumulated proof-of-work and is considered the official record of transaction history. Yes. This block is in the canonical blockchain.
Sibling Blocks Blocks that exist at the same height as this block. Only one sibling can be in the canonical blockchain. 6b02e98995165b2c2e0b98c1d5930cbf8de586bcd62293263bf48b480a37931f1412ed8506c50700

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