Block height: 3706
Digest | 4072f33b4567147db31b87e61455019eea72b97e1537739d4ef4605ec2f6480561fcd5a0e0f73d00 |
Created | 2024-12-18T14:29:36.340+00:00 |
Inputs | 0 |
Outputs | 1 |
Difficulty | 1000 |
Cumulative Proof-Of-Work ⓘ estimated total # of hashes performed by miners from genesis block to this block. | 997206546985 |
Coinbase ⓘ Total block reward amount paid to the miner(s) that found this block. | 128 |
Fee | 64 |
Canonical ⓘ The canonical blockchain is the chain with the most accumulated proof-of-work and is considered the official record of transaction history. | No. This block is not in the canonical blockchain. |
Sibling Blocks ⓘ Blocks that exist at the same height as this block. Only one sibling can be in the canonical blockchain. |
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